Yulong Niu


Circos Notes

Posted at — Mar 17, 2014

Mapping data onto a Circos figure requires that you identify what patterns in your data are (a) likely to be important and (b) likely to be present, and create a figure that exposes such patterns. Remember, if the pattern exists, you can’t afford to miss it. If it doesn’t exist, you can’t afford to be fooled into thinking that it’s there, or left wondering whether it’s occluded by other data.

1. Run circos

-conf etc/circos.conf
-outputdir /path/to/your/output/directory
-outputfile yourimage.png
# store all debug output in circos.debug.txt and display only karyotype
> circos ... -group_debug _all | tee circos.debug.txt | egrep "debuggroup karyotype"
# extract other debug reports
> egrep "debuggroup rule" circos.debug.txt
> egrep "debuggroup (rule|scale)" circos.debug.txt

2. Syntax and configure files

Configuration syntax is like:

 thickness = 30p
 fill      = yes

Usefule syntax: hierarchical structure <ideogram>; all data points in all plot tracks and <plots>; local data points in a given track and <plot>; rules and <rule>; highlight.

Extermal imports

# Included from Circos distribution.
<<include etc/image.conf>>

# colors, fonts and fill patterns
<<include etc/colors_fonts_patterns.conf>>
# system and debug parameters
<<include etc/housekeeping.conf>>

Accessing configuration valuesparameter2 = conf(parameter1) or parameter2 = conf(block1,block2,parameter1) for:

parameter1 = ...


track_color = blue
track_width = 100
track_start = 0.5

# color=blue
color = conf(track_color)
# r0 = 0.5r
r0    = eval(conf(track_start) . "r")
# r1 = 0.5r+100p
r1    = eval(conf(track_start) . "r" + conf(track_width) . "p")


Use the color name given, like red, lred, vlred, vvlred, dred, vdred, vvdred. If a pure color is need, use pred. For the transparent color, red_a1, red_a2, and to red_a5. red_a1 has a 17% tansparency and `red_a5 have a 83% transparency.

3. Ideogram

One of the most common used ideogram is the karyotypes plot. The chromosome is marked as:

chr - id label start end color

for example

chr - hs1 1 0 249250621 chr1

The cytogenetic bands data is like:

band hs1 p36.33 p36.33 0 2300000 gneg
chromosomes_display_default = no

chromosomes = hs1;hs2;hs3;h4
chromosomes = /hs[1-4]$/
chromosomes = /hs[1-4]$/;hs10;hs11
chromosomes = /hs[1-4]$/;-hs3
chromosomes = hs1:(-100,120-);hs2;hs3;h4
chromosomes_order = hs2,hs3,hs1,hs5,hs4,hs8,hs7,hs6
chromosomes_scale = hs1=0.25,hs2=2.0
# 25% and 50%
chromosomes_scale = hs1=0.25r,hs2=0.50r
# each is 25%
chromosomes_scale = /hs[12]/=0.5rn
# all ideograms distributed evenly within entire figure
chromosomes_scale   = /./=1rn
angle_orientation* = counterclockwise
<<include etc/image>>
chromosomes_reverse = /hs[234]/
chromosomes_color = hs1=red,hs2=orange,hs3=green,hs4=blue

Also, the color could be redefined as

chr1* = red
chr2* = orange
chr3* = green
chr4* = blue
chromosomes_radius = hs4:0.9r
band_transparency = 0

For example, add the human mitochondria chromosome.

Add the following to the file data/karyotype/karyotype.human.txt

chr - hsMT MT 0 16569 chrMT

Add “hsMT” color in the file etc/colors.ucsc.conf

chrMT = 121,204,61

4. Highlight

4.1 Data type

Data type of highlight is

chr start end

for exmaple,

hs1 1298972 1300443

We can also add the highlight information into the data file, for example:

hs1 100433463 100487964 fill_color=red,r0=0.6r,r1=0.6r+50p
hs1 232817594 240828534 fill_color=chr9,z=61,r0=0.4r-78.7058p,r1=0.4r+78.7058p

4.2 Conf format






4.3 Parameters###

r0: inner radius of highlight

r1: outer radius of highlight

offset: an offset applied to both r0 and r1 (useful for overriding default r0,r1 values defined at lower precedence)

fill_color: color of the highlight slice

stroke_color: color of the highlight border, drawn if stroke_thickness is set

stroke_thickness: border thickness, if any, of the highlight slice

z: z-depth of the highlight, controlling the order in which highlights are drawn

ideogram: toggles the position of the highlight to be within the ideogram extent

4.4 Plot hightlight

type = highlight
file = data/3/chr.highlights.txt
r0   = 0.3r
r1   = 0.35r
z    = 10

5.1 Data type

hs1 100 200 hs2 250 300


segdup00010 hs1 100 200
segdup00010 hs2 250 300

with link options

hs1 100 200 hs2 250 300 color=blue
hs1 400 550 hs3 500 750 color=red,thickness=5p
hs1 600 800 hs4 150 350 color=black

5.2 Conf format

file          = data/5/segdup.txt
radius        = 0.8r
bezier_radius = 0r
color         = black_a4
thickness     = 2

5.3 Parameters###

radius: this is the radial position of the termination of the link; for relative values, if radius < 1 then it is defined in terms of the inner ideogram radius, otherwise it is defined in terms of the outer ideogram radius

bezier_radius: the radial position of the third control point (in addition to the two positions defined by the link coordinates) used to draw the Bezier curve; if this parameter is not defined then straight lines will be used

color: color of the link line

thickness: thickness of the link line (note that this is not stroke_thickness, since the line isn’t technically stroked)

record_limit: if this is defined, the number of records read from the file is capped; coordinate records are sampled from the start of the file; useful for debugging

In each <link>, and <rule> can be applied to special ruls. Each contains three parts: a condition, formatting statements and an optional ‘flow’ statement.

Marker the priority of rules

# 1st
importance = 10

Add a tag

flow = goto special_rule if true

tag = special_rule

6. Histograms

Histogram, line plot, scatter plot, and heat map share the same data format

chr start end value [options]

for exmaple

hs3 196000000 197999999 71.0000 fill_color=blue
# in data file
hs3 196000000 197999999 71.0000 id=abc

# in rule block
condition  = var(id) eq "abc"
fill_color = blue

Another data format has multiple values

chr start end value,value,value,... [options]

for example

hs3 196000000 197999999 0.0000,7.0000,64.0000,0.0000
type = histogram
file = data/5/segdup.hs1234.hist.txt
r1   = 0.88r
r0   = 0.81r

fill_color = vdgrey
extend_bin = no

For multiple values, fill_color is used to set the different colors.

orientation = in
<<include exclude.hs1.rule>>




text data format is

chr start end value

for exmaple

hs1 100425066 100487997 DBT
type             = text
color            = black
file             = data/phylo/labelGene.txt

apply rules

importance = 90
condition  = var(value) eq "GeneName"
color = blue
